Hello family and friends!!!!
What an amazing day God gave us!!! We woke up and spent time in prayer and song as a team. Then once again had an amazing breakfast with Phil, Rita and family. We originally planned to spend the entire day at the church working on boxes and the cabinets but God had other plans. And as always, his was perfect and he was glorified throughout the day.
Phil talked to his friend Ridley Rupert at breakfast and it was decided that we would go as a team and visit Ridley at his shop. He makes his own small airplanes. We took a tour and then prayed in one of the rooms for Ridley's safe travel to the states and that God blesses his shop.
Again, we thought we were on our way back to the church but we stopped at the home of Genivaldo and Antonia. The entire family makes statues out of river mud. That is their family business. The entire family works very hard morning to night to do this work. The children also help by painting the statues when they are not at school. Antonia is going on a short term missions trip with Phil's church in September. It cost her about $100 to go. Each statue, which takes a few hours to form and then fire, is sold for about $1.00 each. This had to be done over months and after finishing, she gave back her hard earned earnings to have a chance to teach the gospel to others in her country. It is extremely humbling to see a family who has very little give so much. They gave us a few statues as gifts and also gave us soda to drink.

God's love was so apparent from these wonderful Christian brothers and sisters. What a blessing from God for us to be able to be a part of this visit. Can't wait to see them at church on Sunday and give them a big hug! After that Phil drove us by the 2 churches that Lou and Fay started many years ago.
After we returned to the house, we had lunch and then we all headed to the church for a few hours to work. Barry and Jim worked very hard on the cabinets and the project is coming along very nicely. Betty, Charlotte, Joe, Mike and I continued on cleaning and re-packing boxes. Many people came to help in the afternoon and it was a great time of work and fellowship. As we left at 5pm others stayed to continue on the boxes. The zeal of the Brazilian people to serve God is just unbelievable!
We all cleaned up and headed to a small village on the outskirts of Caruaru around 7:30pm for a tea and bbq. We got there and over the next 1/2 an hour over 45 ladies and 40 guys came, along with about 20 children. Betty and Charlotte ran a wonderful tea and I was blessed to be able to play my violin with them for special music. They passed out the hand made napkins and gave their testimonies. It was a big hit.

Each one of us talked about something completely different than what we thought we were going to share. All messages led to salvation. After we concluded Phil gave an alter call and 3 young men accepted Christ to be their Lord and Savior!! Praise God!!! Leandro (18), Emiardo (12) and Jose (6) came forward and proclaimed him!

Afterward all 5 of us were just in awe of God's power and through conversation found out that we all unexpectedly spoke of things different then what we thought we were going to. Be of good cheer, in the middle of nowhere, in a different country, God used his power and showed his love and now we have 3 more we will see in heaven. We are all fired up for Christ! We then fellowshipped with the men and ate some great bbq. We got home around 10:30pm and now at around 11:30 people are slowly fading to bed.
Thank you so much for your support in this Christ honoring, Christ glorified mission that you have sent us on.
We all look forward to Rita's birthday tomorrow and other things that God has planned for us!
Good night and God Bless!
Praise the Lord for the willing hearts He has placed in each of you! My Spirit is rejoicing for new brothers in Christ...and for the fact that He is showing Himself continually faithful!! Sending you ALL much love and prayers from home...
ReplyDeleteI am just overwhelemed at God's power. Oh yes Lord- here I am
ReplyDeleteAmen, Mike. I just was noticing the amount of people who are checking on this site...what an amazing amount of prayer must be going up on y'all's behalf! Praise Him for the people being reached by a simple blogsite...and thanks Susie for taking the time to put it all up for us!!
ReplyDeleteDear Brazil Team,
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing it is for Lou and I to read your daily reports! Praise God for the 3 who received Christ at the men's bar-b-que last night! You folks are really leaving a solid mark there in Caruaru and some that will last for all eternity. We rejoice with you. Our prayers are with you each day that you will stay well and have all the energy you need to be able to do so much in such a few days. God bless you abundantly is our prayer!
In Christ,
Lou and Fay Warkentien
Dear Lou & Fay,
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice to know that you are following along! We had so looked forward to being here with you, but having you "read" with us as almost as good as having you here! You are in our thoughts and prayers as we see the people you so love!
God bless you both,
It's exciting to hear the great things God is doing in other parts of the world, using His people from waaaay over here.
ReplyDeleteThe energy and excitement sounds tremendous and contagious- and fast-paced!
Before I sign off, I'll leave a shout-out to Oma and Opa Griset who are missed and have been prayed for by Nathalie and Alexa, too. We love you!