Sunday, August 23, 2009

Coming to a new chapter...

Yesterday we worked on the last of the boxes for the kids. We finished all but the last two rows and Phil wants the church to finish those. He had wanted us to start on the boxes and show the people here how to go through them and clean them. He was really happy as to how much we were able to accomplish in the short time we were here.

Today was our last full day here in Caruaru. We had a really terrific day. We started out with Sunday morning worship. The classes were broken up and Betty went with Rita and helped in the new believers class. Mike stayed with Phil in the adult class. Ron went with his kids class, Barry and Joe taught the young adults class, I taught the "adolescent" class (the junior high and high school). Jim was the team photographer.

Ron playing during the offertory for the morning service.

Ron in his Sunday School class.

After the morning service and lunch, the team took off out to the Village church. Communion was served and there was a great service. They made me stay behind as my foot was hurting and swollen. I was put on bed rest all afternoon. The rest of the team said that they had a really great time.

Afternoon Service at the church in Serrotes dos Bois.

Once the team returned, we had ice cream and then walked down the street for the evening church service. There was a young girl around 11 years of age who quoted 3 different chapters of scripture. She said the scriptures in a story form. She was quite impressive.

After the worship service, Phil called the team up and announced that we were there to pray for anyone who needed or wanted prayer. He had a translator come up for each one of us and then told the congregation to come forward as they felt lead for us to pray for them. It was totally awesome being able to share with them what their needs were and then to pray with them. As we finished praying for one, another would come forward. We prayed for some young boys who came and asked for prayer for their alcoholic fathers. It was such a blessing to be able to pray with each one for their needs. At the end, one of the girls that I prayed for wanted more counseling so we went into one of the classrooms and I was able to pray with her some more and show her scriptures in the Bible. I almost missed the team on the platform sharing just before the message. One of the guys came and got me so I was able to share with the church as to what a blessing it has been being here. We each were able to share what we had gotten out of our time here.

Evening service - My House shall be a House of Prayer

Mike then delivered the message. He did an awesome job. The whole message just flowed and was easy to follow. He closed the message telling everyone that God really wanted to come into their lives and that He was knocking on their heart's doors wanting to be let in. It was great.

Mike preaching during Sunday evening service.

Afterward, there were lots of tears and hugs. It was so hard saying goodbye to everyone. They tried to make us promise to come back next year. We just told everyone that it is up to God as to when we will return. They said that they would be praying that it will be God's will for us to come back again real soon. We all fell in love with the people here.

Everyone has been so warm and friendly. They opened their hearts and their homes to us. We are taking several back home in our hearts also. I have 3 young girls from my Sunday school class that said that they are not going to let me go. Barry told them to take our passports and Visas and then we will be able to stay. However, Barry and I will be returning with rest of the team.

Well, all of your prayers to keep me vertical worked. I had a couple of days with pain and swelling but I have been able to make it the whole trip and participate in all the activities except the Village today. I thank God for all your prayers.

This may be our last communication until we return. Tomorrow we will be going into Recife and we don't know as to what our internet connections will be. If we can, we will update you tomorrow.

Lots of love,

Rita's wonderful helper, Cida.
She cooked and washed dishes and clothes for us.
We will miss her friendly smile!


  1. I am praising God for all the blessings and also praying for your safe return!!

  2. Oh my goodness! I'm sad for them, but happy for us to see you guys again soon!!
